PPPoE Interface


PPPoE (PPP Over Ethernet) is widely used in the DSL world for users to connect to Internet. To enable this feature:


*          Program file - /flash/bin/pppd is required

*          Connection mode must be set to always-on or manual.

*          User / password / service fields must be set to the ones specified by your ISP


If the connection is successful, the PPPoE IP address and connection time will be shown in the status page.





Connection Modes




The system keeps the PPPoE in connection state automatically after power-on. If the connection fails, the system will always try to make a new connection.




The connection is controlled by software signals.

SIGUSR1 (value = 10) - start connection

SIGUSR2 (value = 12) - stop connection


Manual Control by Commands:


First, we need to know the pppd's PID (Process ID) which is stored in the file /var/run/ppp0.pid.


/> cat /var/run/ppp0.pid



In this example, the pppd's PID is 22. Then, we use:

"kill -10 22" to start PPPoE connection

"kill -12 22" to stop PPPoE connection


Manual Control by Program:


In programs, we are doing exactly the same way:


 FILE *fpid;

 int pid;


 // get pppd's pid


 if(!fpid) return 0;

 if(fscanf(fpid,"%d",&pid)!=1) return 0;


 // start connection


 // idle 30 seconds


 // stop connection



Connection Status


Connection status can be checked with ioctl() system call to get the IP address of "ppp0" device. If the IP address can be retrieved, the connection is ok, otherwise, it is not connected.


Connection time is calculated with the starting time which is stored in the file "/var/run/ppp.time".


Practical program examples can be found in app/cgi/cgi.c and app/cgi/cgilib.c.